Simple File Transfer

To receive a file, type the correct command for the remote Kermit and type <#3677#><#3678#>〈<#3678#>Alt<#3679#>〉<#3679#><#3680#>〈<#3680#>T<#3681#>〉<#3681#><#3677#> on the ST keyboard, a large dialog box should appear. Select <#3683#>[Receive]<#3683#> if you want to use a different name than the original filename use the file selector form to select a name (this will only effect the first file received in a mutiple file transfer). If you want to receive the files with the names supplied by the host, just press <#3685#><#3686#>〈<#3686#>Return<#3687#>〉<#3687#><#3685#> (the path entered is retained till the end of your UniTerm session). A new form will appear and will display the current file being received, the total number of packets, the current number of errors and timeouts and the last non-fatal error that occurred. The transfer can be aborted by typing <#3689#><#3690#>〈<#3690#>Control<#3691#>〉<#3691#><#3692#>〈<#3692#>C<#3693#>〉<#3693#><#3689#> .

To send a single file or a group of files, setup the remote host for receiving, type <#3695#><#3696#>〈<#3696#>Alt<#3697#>〉<#3697#><#3698#>〈<#3698#>T<#3699#>〉<#3699#><#3695#> and select <#3701#>[Send]<#3701#>. Enter the filename or wildcards (*, ?) in the file selector dialog and press <#3703#><#3704#>〈<#3704#>Return<#3705#>〉<#3705#><#3703#> .